When you are participating in an event, you will notice a Leaderboard button at the bottom menu.

The Leaderboard is simply a ranking in which we show the player's performance within the event, comparing it to the other players participating in it, all in real time.
How does it work?

Upon joining an event, players will be split into multiple groups, called Classes, which will support up to 100 players each.

As they progress in the event, each players' score in the Leaderboard will be determined by the total amount of Cool Points they've earned so far and they will be ranked accordingly.

How do the player names work in the Leaderboard?

If you're signed in to your Google Play/Game Center account, your nickname in the Leaderboard will be the same as the one you use in these platforms, otherwise it will be "That's me". Currently, your name isn't publicly displayed.

The other players in your Leaderboard will be assigned a random name from the Cool Kids List that you see after completing an episode.

We plan on allowing players to input a name of their choice in the future, which will then be publicly displayed.

What do I get for my ranking in the Leaderboard?

There are no rewards for reaching the top positions of the Leaderboard at the moment.

However, we will soon include rewards for top players in each Class based on their ranking. These rewards can be base cards, character costumes, tapes and diamonds! The higher your ranking, the better the prizes!

All event rewards will be distributed once the event is over: this includes the rewards from event milestones and, soon, the ones from your final ranking in the Leaderboard.

So don't get discouraged if you're not doing well in any given Leaderboard - there will always be another event for you to compete and plenty of rewards for you to earn solo from milestones!